Commemorating MLK Day: A Day of Service through Yoga and Community Gathering

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On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, a unique event will be held at 1 Market Square Plaza in Buckhannon. The Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Free Yoga & Community Gathering will be held from 3 to 4:30 p.m. on Monday, January 15th. This community-oriented event honors the legacy of Dr. King by engaging in gentle yoga, journaling, group sharing, and meditation.

Event Details

Certified yoga instructor Jessica Bryzek explained that the event’s foundation rests on Dr. King’s teachings and principles. Participants will engage in a yoga flow interspersed with reflections on Dr. King’s teachings. “Afterward, we’ll have time for reflection and journaling, where people can contemplate areas that require renewed connections in their lives,” Bryzek said. “Opportunities for group sharing will follow, fostering a sense of community.”

The event will explore three key themes:

  • Uniting Opposites: Interweaving Social and Ecological Concerns
  • Inner Tranquility as the Foundation for Peace
  • Belonging to an Interconnected Community

Participants are encouraged to bring their own yoga mats and journals. Nonperishable food items are welcome for donation to Free Meals Appalachia.

Event Highlights

* Yoga session incorporating Dr. King’s teachings
* Opportunities for reflection and journaling
* Group sharing to strengthen community bonds
* Donation of nonperishable food items to support the local community


The Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service Free Yoga & Community Gathering is a meaningful event that aligns with Dr. King’s legacy of service and compassion. Through yoga, self-reflection, and community engagement, participants will honor Dr. King’s teachings and strive to embody his principles in their own lives.

**Author:** Anya Joshi

Anya Joshi is a freelance writer and yoga enthusiast. She enjoys exploring the intersections of yoga, mindfulness, and community engagement.

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