Cycle Syncing with SYNCD: An Honest Review

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Menstruation often brings with it a tumultuous array of physical and emotional experiences. Throughout the average 28-day cycle, individuals may encounter fluctuations in energy levels and mood. Adding exercise into the mix can further complicate the process. SYNCD, an innovative program offered by Alo Moves, aims to improve exercise effectiveness by syncing workouts with the different phases of the menstrual cycle.

SYNCD: A Customized Approach to Exercise

SYNCD features a curated collection of videos designed to align with the hormonal shifts of each menstrual phase. By considering these hormonal variations, SYNCD assists users in selecting workouts that are suited to their energy levels and overall well-being. The program also incorporates self-care practices to enhance comfort and promote balance throughout the month.

Phases and Phase-Specific Workouts

SYNCD divides the menstrual cycle into four distinct phases:

  • Menstruation: Videos focus on relaxation, stress reduction, and gentle movement to alleviate cramps and discomfort.
  • Follicular: High-energy workouts such as HIIT, Pilates, and power yoga are recommended to capitalize on increased energy levels.
  • Ovulation: Workouts balance intensity with relaxation, including HIIT and mindfulness meditations.
  • Luteal: Soothing yoga, Pilates, and self-care rituals help mitigate PMS symptoms and promote relaxation.

Effectiveness and Benefits

Scientific Evidence

While cycle syncing lacks extensive scientific validation, it acknowledges the documented hormonal shifts and energy fluctuations associated with the menstrual cycle.

Personal Experience

The reviewer found that SYNCD provided a tailored and effective exercise approach. During the follicular phase, the reviewer experienced increased energy and was able to complete strenuous HIIT workouts with ease. In contrast, the luteal phase brought about fatigue and mood swings, which were effectively managed through gentle restorative yoga.


SYNCD offers a flexible and supportive approach to exercise that synchronizes with the menstrual cycle. By considering hormonal fluctuations and providing phase-specific workouts and self-care practices, SYNCD empowers individuals to optimize their exercise routines while addressing the unique challenges of each menstrual phase.


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Credit and rights belong to OMG I Yoga.

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