Prenatal Yoga: Preparing Your Body and Mind for Childbirth

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About the Author: Dr. Jane Doe

Dr. Jane Doe has established her credentials as a widely respected OB-GYN with over 20 years of experience. Her holistic approach to obstetrics emphasizes the significance of prenatal care and the benefits of yoga during pregnancy. Her research in prenatal yoga has received international recognition, and she has authored multiple publications in leading medical journals.

  • **Uttana Shishosana (Extended Puppy Pose)**
    • Begin in the tabletop position, aligning shoulders over wrists and hips above knees.
    • Inhale and extend arms forward, maintaining relaxed feet with the tops facing the mat.
  • **Viparita Karani (Legs Up the Wall)**
    • Recline on the back; exhale and elevate the legs vertically against a wall, aiming for a 90-degree angle.
    • Rest arms by the sides, palms facing up.
  • **Supta Baddha Konasana (Reclining Bound Angle Pose)**
    • Lie supine with knees bent and soles of feet together.
    • Allow legs to widen laterally; relax shoulders; interlace the hands above the lower abdomen, resembling a heart shape.
  • **Padahastasana (Hand under Foot)**
    • Stand with feet parallel, hips shoulder-width apart.
    • Exhale and execute a forward fold, reaching for the ground with palms or fingers while lifting toes and positioning hands under the feet with palms facing up.
These powerful yoga poses not only enhance flexibility and balance but also promote relaxation and calm. Regular prenatal yoga practice can alleviate discomfort, reduce stress, improve sleep quality, and enhance the overall well-being of both the mother and the child.

It is imperative to consult with a qualified prenatal yoga instructor and a healthcare provider to determine the appropriate modifications and precautions for each individual’s unique pregnancy journey.

Credit and Rights: OMG I Yoga

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