Samavesha: A Gathering of Yogis

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At Samavesha, a Sanskrit term denoting unity, yoga teachers and students converged to learn, collaborate, and enhance their practice. Attendees from around the globe gathered at this six-day event to delve into the multifaceted aspects of yoga.

Diversity in Yogic Practice

The festival showcased the diverse nature of yoga beyond the physical postures (asana). Classes explored meditation, philosophy, and kirtan (devotional singing and chanting). Over 30 instructors shared their knowledge and guided participants through these practices.

Anusara Yoga: Heart-Centered Practice

Anusara Yoga, a Hatha Yoga style, integrates physical poses (asanas), breathing techniques (pranayama), and meditation to balance the body and mind. It emphasizes precise alignment and a heart-centered spirituality.

Building Community through Collaboration

Festival classes fostered collaboration among attendees, encouraging them to assist each other in poses. This not only enhanced physical practice but also fostered a sense of community and connection.

Keynote Address: Form and Formlessness

Manoj Chalom’s talk on “Form and Formlessness” explored the symbolism of Hindu deities in the journey towards enlightenment. He emphasized that the deities represent archetypes within us that provide insights into our own nature.

Comprehensive Event Offerings

Samavesha offered a wide range of classes, including yoga therapy for specific conditions, meditation courses, Ayurveda introductions, and asana classes for all levels. This diversity ensured a meaningful event for attendees.


The Samavesha festival provided a transformative experience for participants, fostering a sense of unity, deepening their understanding of yoga, and enhancing their personal practice.

Credit and rights: OMG I Yoga
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