Vihangam Yoga: An Ancient Vedic System for Health and Well-being

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Vihangam Yoga: A Vedic System for Health and Well-being


Vihangam yoga is a time-honored Vedic system and science that has been preserved for centuries. It is believed to possess the power to promote physical health and mental well-being.

Benefits of Vihangam Yoga

  • Improves physical health
  • Enhances mental well-being
  • Promotes self-care and reduces stress
  • Cultivates a spiritual connection

Vedic Philosophy

Vihangam yoga is rooted in the ancient Vedic tradition. It emphasizes the importance of love, devotion, and service. According to this philosophy, the divine resides within each individual, and yoga practices can help to awaken this inner potential.

Yajna and Its Significance

Yajna is a Vedic ritual that involves the offering of substances into a sacred fire. It is believed to promote purification, enlightenment, and global harmony.

Yajna aims to renounce selfishness and cultivate a benevolent spirit. It symbolizes the transformation of gross matter into subtle energy, akin to the principles of physics.

Initiation into Vihangam Yoga

During a recent gathering, Acharya Swatantra Dev Maharaj initiated individuals into the practical knowledge of Brahma Vidya Vihangam Yoga. This initiation was intended to promote peace and spiritual elevation for the participants.


Vihangam yoga is a holistic system that offers numerous benefits for health and well-being. Its Vedic roots provide a profound spiritual dimension, empowering individuals to connect with their inner divinity and live a more fulfilling life.

Notable Attendees

The gathering was attended by several notable individuals, including:

  • State unit president Tanga Kena
  • Parliamentary Secretary Karaya Bagang
  • Sant Kishenji
  • Madan Mohan Singh (Tezpur)
  • Chandrakant Jaiswal (Mumbai)
  • BM Sharma (Imphal)
  • Yogendra Gupta
  • Maliram Agarwal
  • Shiv Kumar Singh
  • R. Pradhan
  • Bablu Shrivastav

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