Virtual Yoga: A Guide to Online Platforms

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Virtual Yoga: A Guide to Online Platforms

Practicing yoga holds numerous benefits, from enhancing physical strength and flexibility to mitigating stress and anxiety. For those seeking to immerse themselves in the practice from the comfort of their own homes, a myriad of reputable online yoga platforms offer diverse and accessible classes.

Yoga With Adrienne

Boasting an impressive subscriber base of over 11 million, Yoga With Adrienne has established itself as a beloved resource for yoga enthusiasts. Founded by Adrienne Mishler, the platform’s mission centers on providing high-quality yoga and mindfulness practices to individuals from all walks of life, free of charge.

Visit Yoga With Adrienne’s website or YouTube channel to access a comprehensive range of free videos covering various yoga styles, including beginner-friendly classes, sequences for back pain relief, and weight loss.


With a vast content library featuring over 8,000 films, shows, and classes dedicated to mind, body, and spirit, Gaia stands as a leader in the online wellness space. Its extensive yoga section encompasses practice videos, educational content on yoga philosophy, and a detailed pose library.

  • Subscription fees start at $11 per month.
  • Gaia’s platform offers an array of yoga, meditation, fitness, and lifestyle practices.


Glo presents another multifaceted yoga platform designed to enhance both physical and mental well-being. With over 5,000 classes in yoga, meditation, and Pilates, Glo empowers users to customize their practice.

Key Features:
  • Seven-day free trial
  • Classes aimed at improving flexibility, focus, core strength, and emotional regulation
  • Expert-led programs ranging from short bursts to extended sessions
  • Subscription fees starting at $21 per month

Barre Body

Barre Body blends elements of ballet, Pilates, dance, and yoga to create a unique workout experience. As Australia’s premier barre workout platform, Barre Body uses a combination of barre, Pilates, cardio, yoga, and stretching to enhance tone, body transformation, and balance.

Subscribe for $30 per month after a 14-day free trial. New classes are added weekly, ensuring fresh and engaging content.

Daily Yoga

With an impressive offering of over 100 yoga and meditation classes, the Daily Yoga app has gained significant popularity. Ideal for those seeking consistency in their practice, Daily Yoga provides tailored programs designed by world-class yoga trainers. Users can track their progress, motivating them to stay committed and witness their achievements.

Monthly subscriptions start at $4.17 when signing up for a year.

Alo Moves

Alo Moves showcases a roster of skilled instructors from around the globe, guiding users through a diverse range of yoga practices. With a monthly subscription of $20 (including a 14-day free trial), Alo Moves offers exceptional value, providing unlimited yoga classes, fitness routines, and meditation.

Difficulty and intensity levels are clearly indicated, enabling users to progress from beginner to advanced levels at their own pace.


Grokker’s mission is to enhance employee well-being in the workplace and beyond. Its focus on accessibility extends to providing yoga practices for all levels, including Hatha, Vinyasa, Gentle, and Yin. Categories such as yoga for athletes, kids, and seniors ensure that everyone can find something suitable.

Monthly subscription fees start at $14.99.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional medical advice. It is always recommended to consult with a qualified healthcare practitioner before starting any new exercise program or changing your current routine.

Credit and Rights: OMG I Yoga


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