Guide To Boosting Immunity Through Pranayama Or Breathing Exercises

2 Min Read


In the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the resilience of our immune system has become paramount. Pranayama, an integral part of yoga, offers a natural and effective means to enhance respiratory function and strengthen immunity.

Understanding the Effects of Stress on Health

When faced with physical or psychological stress, the body enters “fight or flight mode,” diverting blood flow to muscles, increasing heart rate, and releasing stress hormones. Prolonged exposure to stress can weaken the immune system.

Pranayama and Immunity Enhancement

William Bushell, a biophysical anthropologist, has demonstrated the positive effects of pranayama on anti-stress and anti-inflammatory properties in the body. Studies have shown that meditation and slow breathing techniques, such as pranayama, can activate the parasympathetic nervous system, overriding the sympathetic response associated with stress.

  • Abdominal Breathing
  • Inhale through the nose, expanding the abdomen while keeping the chest still. Exhale through the nose, deflating the abdomen. Repeat for 20 breaths.

  • Anuloma Viloma (Alternate Nostril Breathing)
  • Close the right nostril with the thumb, inhale through the left for four counts, close the left nostril, and exhale through the right for six counts. Repeat the process alternating nostrils. Complete six cycles.

  • Bhramri (Bee Breathing)
  • Inhale deeply and gently press the cartilage between the cheek and ear as you exhale, humming like a bee. Sustain the exhalation for 20 seconds. Repeat 3-4 times.


Incorporating pranayama into your daily routine can significantly enhance respiratory function, reduce stress, and boost immunity. These breathing techniques are a natural and effective way to strengthen the body’s first line of defense against disease.

Credit and rights belong to OMG I Yoga.
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