Positions to Relieve Gas

4 Min Read


Gas pains can cause immense discomfort and embarrassment. Certain positions can effectively alleviate these pains, particularly when paired with other strategies to reduce gas production.

Physiological Causes of Gas

Gas accumulation in the gastrointestinal tract can originate from swallowed air or the breakdown of undigested carbohydrates by gut bacteria. Foods rich in certain fruits, vegetables, dairy products, whole grains, high-fructose corn syrup, and artificial sweeteners often contribute to gas production.

Positions to Relieve Gas


Walking facilitates gas passage by stimulating gastrointestinal motility and moving gas from the upper digestive tract to the rectum for release.

Laying on Side

Laying on the side aids in gas relief by using gravity to alter the positioning of the intestines. This can help dislodge gas from trapped areas.


Squatting stimulates the expulsion process by bringing the knees towards the chest. This movement relaxes the colon to its natural position, facilitating gas release.

Child’s Pose (Yoga)

Child’s pose involves bending forward from kneeling on the floor and extending the arms in front. This pose relaxes the pelvic floor muscles, aiding in the release of gas.

Pigeon Pose (Yoga)

Pigeon pose involves sitting on the ground with the right leg bent towards the left hand and the left leg stretched out behind. This pose also relaxes the pelvic floor muscles, promoting gas expulsion.

Positions to Relieve Gas in Pregnancy

During pregnancy, gas discomfort can be intensified by constipation. The following yoga poses can provide relief:

Happy Baby Pose

Lying on the back, bring the knees towards the sides with the feet facing the sky. Gently grab hold of the feet and rock side to side.

Seated Forward Fold

Sit upright on the ground with the legs extended. Slowly bend forward and stretch the arms towards the feet.

Goddess Squat

Stand with feet three feet apart at a 45-degree angle and raise the arms above the head, bending the elbows. Bend the knees while looking straight ahead.

Wide-Knee-Supported Child’s Pose

Similar to child’s pose, but with the knees spread apart and the big toes together. This variation opens the spinal vertebrae and hip joints, aiding in relaxation.

Positions to Relieve Gas in Babies

Pedal Legs

Lay the baby on their back and move their legs in a circular up-and-down motion, mimicking bicycle pedals.

Knees to Belly

Hold the baby’s feet and gently bend their legs to bring their knees towards their belly. This facilitates gas release.

When to See a Doctor

While gas is a common occurrence, it can become problematic if it affects daily life, is uncontrollable, or causes significant pain. Consulting a doctor is recommended if:

– Dietary modifications do not alleviate gas
– Concerns arise regarding underlying medical conditions
– Celiac disease, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), or food intolerances are suspected


Gas pains can be effectively managed by adopting specific positions to facilitate gas expulsion. Understanding the causes of gas and exploring these positions can provide relief and improve overall well-being. In severe or persistent cases, consulting a medical professional is essential for proper diagnosis and treatment.

Credit and Rights: OMG I Yoga

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