Celebrating the Summer Solstice: 108 Sun Salutations for Transformation and Resilience

4 Min Read

Embracing the Unexpected

By Amelia Hawthorne


As the earth tilted towards the sun on the summer solstice, I embarked on a transformative yoga journey that tested both my physical and mental boundaries. Determined to honor the season’s arrival, I undertook the challenge of completing 108 sun salutations, an ancient ritual known for its invigorating and restorative properties. However, fate had other plans in store for me, as a series of unexpected events unfolded.

**The Significance of 108**

The number 108 holds great significance in yogic tradition. According to ancient texts, it represents universal love, eternity, and the awakening of consciousness. In Ayurveda, it is associated with 108 sacred points on the human body. Moreover, the sun’s distance from the earth is 108 times its own diameter, making it a meaningful symbol for the summer solstice.

**Breaking the Mold**

Despite the daunting task ahead, I was eager to experience the transformative power of 108 sun salutations. However, as I rolled out my mat on the rain-drenched beach at dawn, the absence of sunshine was a stark reminder that not everything would unfold as planned.

**Embracing the Elements**

Undeterred by the inclement weather, my friend and I embraced the salty breeze and the rhythmic pitter-patter of raindrops. The symphony of nature provided a serene backdrop for our physical meditation. As we moved through each pose, the rain became a symbol of purification, washing away any expectations or limitations.

**Challenging Limits**

As the sun salutations progressed, my body began to protest. The push-ups, known as “chaturanga” in Sanskrit, left my arms trembling like noodles. However, we refused to succumb to fatigue and instead drew upon the power of meditation to recharge our spirits.

**A Medical Setback**

Just when we thought we were nearing our goal, I experienced a sudden episode of supraventricular tachycardia, a condition that causes an abnormally rapid heartbeat. This unforeseen setback served as a reminder that life often throws curveballs, and we must adapt to changing circumstances.

**Triumph Over Adversity**

After a brief respite, my heartbeat returned to normal, and we finally completed our 108 sun salutations. Despite the challenges, the experience had instilled a profound sense of accomplishment and resilience. I realized that true strength lies not only in achieving our goals but also in embracing the unexpected with grace and determination.

**Lessons Learned**

Reflecting on my summer solstice journey, I am filled with gratitude for the unexpected lessons it taught me. Yoga has always been a transformative practice, but this experience reinforced its power to reveal our hidden depths. I learned that:

  • Life rarely unfolds according to our plans, and the ability to adapt is essential.
  • Nature can be both a source of purification and a reminder of our connection to the greater cosmos.
  • Even when challenges arise, it is possible to overcome them with perseverance and the support of others.
  • Yoga is not merely a physical practice but a path to self-discovery and resilience.


As we emerge from the summer solstice, let us remember the lessons learned from this transformative experience. May we embrace the unexpected with open hearts and find strength in the challenges that life presents. For it is through these unexpected journeys that we truly discover our limitless potential.

**Credit and Rights**

This article is the sole property of OMG I Yoga. Any reproduction or distribution without express written consent is strictly prohibited.

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