Miley Cyrus’s Fitness Regimen: A Comprehensive Overview

3 Min Read


Cardiovascular Endurance

Miley Cyrus incorporates running into her fitness routine, as evidenced by a video she shared on Instagram in February 2021. In the video, she displays impressive cardiovascular endurance while running on a treadmill and simultaneously singing “Rebel Girl” by Bikini Kill.

Yoga Practice

Cyrus is an avid practitioner of Ashtanga yoga, a physically demanding style that emphasizes both physical and mental well-being. In December 2020, she shared an Ashtanga yoga sequence on her Instagram Stories, highlighting the grounding and calming effects of the practice.

Pilates Proficiency

Cyrus has demonstrated proficiency in Pilates, as evidenced by a video she shared of herself performing a full teaser on a Cadillac reformer. This advanced move requires exceptional core strength and balance. Cyrus credits Pilates with contributing to her ability to maintain physical health and personal growth.

Cross-Training and Music Integration

Cyrus seamlessly integrates fitness into her music videos, as seen in her “Flowers” video. This video showcases her ability to perform bodyweight exercises, battle ropes, and resistance band exercises while maintaining an energetic and athletic presence.

Squat Singularity

Despite facing vocal cord issues in 2019, Cyrus remained committed to maintaining her fitness. She even performed squats during vocal rehabilitation to improve blood flow and alleviate discomfort.

Adventure and Outdoor Recreation

Cyrus embraces outdoor activities to maintain her physical activity levels. Her adventures include kayaking, canyon trekking, and hiking. These activities provide cardiovascular benefits, core engagement, and scenic stimulation.

Leisurely Movement and Everyday Activity

Cyrus prioritizes movement throughout her daily life. In addition to scheduled workouts, she interacts with her numerous pets, which requires physical exertion and keeps her active.


Miley Cyrus’s fitness regimen is a diverse and effective combination of cardiovascular exercise, yoga, Pilates, cross-training, and outdoor recreation. She embodies a balanced approach to physical well-being, seamlessly integrating fitness into her lifestyle and utilizing her body in both purposeful and enjoyable ways.

About the Author

Dr. Emily Carter is a renowned fitness expert and published researcher with over 15 years of experience in the field of exercise science. Her work has been featured in numerous peer-reviewed journals and national publications.

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