Soothing Blanket Yoga Flow for Relaxation and Bedtime Preparation

2 Min Read



Adriene Mishler’s blanket yoga flow is a 40-minute practice designed to evoke tranquility and facilitate restful sleep. Executed primarily in a supine or seated position, the sequence incorporates gentle stretches and slow, controlled movements to alleviate tension.

Unique Features

Calming and Restorative

The flow emphasizes deep, slow breathing and focuses primarily on static holds, promoting relaxation and reducing muscle tension. The limited range of motion minimizes stress on the body.

Cozy and Comfortable

The use of blankets provides warmth, comfort, and additional support. The enveloping effect of the blankets creates a sense of security and relaxation.

Mind-Body Awareness

Mishler incorporates affirmations and intention-setting throughout the practice. The focus on the “I love you” breath encourages self-acceptance and gratitude.


Improved Mobility

The gentle stretches target key areas such as the hips, lower back, and shoulders, promoting flexibility and reducing stiffness.

Reduced Stress

The slow, controlled movements and deep breathing techniques help to calm the nervous system and release tension.

Enhanced Sleep

The relaxing nature of the flow prepares the body for sleep by reducing stress and promoting restful relaxation.


Adriene Mishler’s blanket yoga flow is a soothing and restorative practice that effectively promotes relaxation and sleep. Its unique combination of gentle stretches, calming breathing, and cozy comfort make it a perfect practice for winding down before bedtime or de-stressing after a busy day.
Note: It is recommended to use a pillow for head support and to have at least two blankets on hand for coverage and warmth.
Recommended Time: Late evening or bedtime
Intensity: Restorative
Equipment: Yoga mat, blankets, pillow
Instructor: Adriene Mishler, RYT 200
Credit and Rights: OMG I Yoga


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