Surya Namaskar, an Integral Approach to Fitness, Well-being, and Mindfulness

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Amidst the ubiquitous presence of marathons, 10Ks, and 5Ks in the athletic landscape, the Yogathon emerges as a unique and transformative experience rooted in the ancient tradition of Surya Namaskar (SN).

Surya Namaskar: Holistic Unity of Mind, Body, and Spirit

SN, also known as Sun Salutations, comprises a seamless sequence of 10 or 12 synchronized poses, harmonized with the rhythm of the practitioner’s breath. Typically performed at the break of dawn or the waning of the day, SN reveres both the internal Sun, a symbol of the radiant creative force within, and the external Sun, the celestial source of our vitality. This practice encompasses stimulation and relaxation, promoting a profound sense of tranquility and stress reduction.

Benefits of Surya Namaskar: Physical, Mental, and Emotional Well-being

In comparison to conventional forms of exercise, yoga offers a distinct advantage by minimizing the risk of muscle and joint injuries due to its emphasis on fluid muscle elongation and the intrinsic awareness of breath and body. Yoga enhances the practitioner’s ability to navigate life’s challenges by cultivating mental fortitude and unwavering determination. Scientific literature abounds with evidence of the physiological benefits of SN: one study supports its efficacy in enhancing muscle strength (Bhutkar et al., Asian J Sports Med. 2011 Dec; 2(4): 259-266), while another highlights its potential as a potent cardiovascular exercise (Mody, J Bodyw Mov Ther. 2011 Jul; 15(3)).

Sevathon: A Platform for Collective Action and Transformation

Sevathon, an annual event organized by the India Community Center, has gained immense popularity, uniting over 100 nonprofits and attracting more than 3000 attendees each year. Yoga Bharati plays a pivotal role in leading the Yogathon segment of Sevathon, bringing together individuals of all ages and backgrounds to perform 108, 51, or 24 SNs. The event serves as a magnificent display of unity and reverence, inspiring participants to harness the power of SN for a higher purpose. Proceeds from Sevathon are dedicated to supporting the charitable endeavors of participating nonprofits, including Yoga Bharati.

Call to Action: Join the Yogathon Movement

Join forces with fellow Yogathon enthusiasts at Arena Green, San Jose, on Sunday, September 8th, 2019, from 6:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Embark on a transformational journey of self-discovery, well-being, and service to the community. Pledge your support to Yoga Bharati’s mission of spreading the transformative power of yoga education. “Vidya danam, Param danam” – Knowledge is the greatest gift. Let us collectively empower ourselves and others through the transformative practice of Surya Namaskar. Direct inquiries to: [email protected] or visit for further details.


Surya Namaskar offers a comprehensive approach to health and well-being, seamlessly integrating physical, mental, and emotional realms. The Yogathon, as exemplified by Sevathon, provides a unique opportunity to experience the transformative power of SN while simultaneously contributing to the greater good. Embracing the ancient wisdom of yoga, let us embrace a life of purpose, fulfillment, and unwavering connection to our true selves.

About the Author

Dr. Emily Carter, renowned yoga practitioner, holds a doctorate in Exercise Physiology from the University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses on the physiological and psychological benefits of yoga, with a particular emphasis on the role of SN in promoting optimal health and well-being.

  • Credit and rights belong to OMG I Yoga.


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