Tricia Donegan: A Charitable Yoga Entrepreneur in the Lower East Side

3 Min Read

Bikram Yoga LES: A Community Hub for Well-being

Author: Sophia Rosenbaum

Tricia Donegan: A Forceful Presence in the Yoga Community

Tricia Donegan, an energetic and charismatic owner of Bikram Yoga Lower East Side (LES), has captivated yoga enthusiasts in New York City. Her studio offers six classes daily, led by a team of skilled instructors, fostering a sense of community and well-being.

Bikram Yoga: A Transformative Practice

Bikram yoga, a practice that involves 26 postures and two breathing exercises in high-heat, high-humidity rooms, has been a transformative force for many. Donegan believes the heat encourages students to focus intensely on their bodies, pushing their limits beyond those of traditional exercise classes.

Community Activism and Empowerment

Nite Sweats: A Charitable Endeavor

Driven by her passion for community engagement, Donegan established Nite Sweats, a donation-based class held monthly. Proceeds support the Lower East Side Girls Club, an organization dedicated to empowering girls and young women.

Tamara Pollack, Donegan’s life partner, credits her interpersonal skills and profound understanding of yoga as integral to her success. “She empowers students in their weaknesses, leading them towards their strengths,” Pollack noted.

Building a Community Haven

The Lower East Side Girls Club: A Safe Haven

The Lower East Side Girls Club provides a nurturing environment for girls and young women, promoting education, healthy living, and equality. Donegan, a board member, emphasizes the Club’s transformative impact.

“We’re not just babysitting girls,” Donegan declared. “We’re giving them power.”

Tricia Donegan: A Multifaceted Trailblazer

Beyond the Yoga Studio

Donegan’s influence extends beyond Bikram Yoga LES. She is an active community activist and frequently accompanies Lady Gaga on tour as her fitness instructor. Her accomplishments are driven by her deep connection to yoga.

“Yoga has slowed my head down,” Donegan said. “It has helped me realize my purpose and given me the clarity to pursue my dreams.”

Lyn Pentecost: Admiring Donegan’s Impact

Lyn Pentecost, the visionary behind the Lower East Side Girls Club, praised Donegan’s unwavering dedication to the community. “Tricia lives, works, and sends her daughter to school here. She embodies the spirit of community engagement.”


Tricia Donegan is a multifaceted entrepreneur and community activist whose influence extends far beyond the yoga studio. Through Bikram Yoga LES and Nite Sweats, she promotes well-being, empowerment, and community spirit. Her passion for yoga and her unwavering commitment to making a difference have left an indelible mark on the Lower East Side.

Copyright and Rights: OMG I Yoga

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