Yoga for Grief: 5 Practices for Healing

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Yoga for Grief: 5 Practices for Healing


Yoga is a powerful tool that can be used to cope with grief. It can help to release suffering, reconnect with life, and find strength. This article provides 5 yoga techniques that are specifically designed to help you heal from grief.

Hatha Yoga for Grounding

Hatha Yoga is a school of yoga that focuses on mastering the body to achieve spiritual perfection. It emphasizes diet, purification, breathing regulation, and physical postures called asanas. Hatha Yoga can help to create balance and grace, improve flexibility and strength, and relieve tension.

Vinyasa Yoga for Flow

Vinyasa Yoga is a type of yoga that is characterized by a flowing sequence of postures. It helps to develop a more balanced body, prevent repetitive motion injuries, and improve strength and grace. Vinyasa Yoga can also help to reduce stress and anxiety.

Kundalini Yoga for Energy

Kundalini Yoga is a spiritual practice that aims to calm the mind and open the chakras for free energy flow. It uses breathwork, meditations, chanting mantras, and kriyas to awaken and connect to our intuition. Kundalini Yoga can help to strengthen your nervous system, balance your glandular system, purify the body, calm the mind, and connect to the fullness of who you are.

Laughter Yoga for Release

Laughter Yoga is a mind-body approach to laughter that doesn’t focus on jokes or humor, but rather on exercises to strengthen the immune system, bringing more oxygen into the body and brain to help us connect to a child-like playfulness. Laughter Yoga can help to shift suffering to create positive feelings.

Restorative Yoga for Healing

Restorative Yoga is a series of nurturing postures that allow a gentle approach to stretch and calm the body as you quiet the mind. It can be deeply healing for those dealing with trauma, as it allows the body to ease into a pose and remain there for a period of time. Restorative Yoga can help you find a place of safety and recovery.


Yoga is a powerful tool that can be used to cope with grief. The 5 techniques provided in this article can help to release suffering, reconnect with life, and find strength. If you are grieving, consider incorporating yoga into your healing journey.

About the Author

Petra Lazar is a certified yoga instructor and holistic health coach. She has been teaching yoga for over 10 years and has helped countless people to find relief from stress, anxiety, and grief.

Credit and Rights

This article is the original work of Petra Lazar and is protected under copyright law. All rights reserved.


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