Yoga Nidra: A Deep Relaxation Technique for Swimmers

3 Min Read


Yoga nidra, a profound meditation practice, enables you to release distractions and connect with your inner self. Begin by assuming a comfortable position on your back, palms up, and feet gently spread outward. Close your eyes and soften your body, striving for stillness throughout the practice.


Formulate a concise affirmation, a sankalpa, and repeat it mentally three times with conviction. Consider using the affirmation, “I am opening myself to a deeper understanding of my authentic self.”

Rotation of Consciousness

Begin a methodical exploration of your physical body, mentally transitioning between body parts. Focus on each area, avoiding physical movement, until you have traversed your entire body, concluding with a sense of relaxation and sinking into the earth.

Breath Awareness

Transfer your attention to your breath, observing its gentle rise and fall. Visualize its flow from your navel to your throat, resembling the mantra “so-hum.” Count your breaths from 10 to 1, maintaining awareness.

Awareness of Sensations

Immerse yourself in various sensations, alternating between heat, cold, wetness, and dryness. Allow each sensation to emerge and dissipate, enhancing your awareness of physical experiences.

Inner Space

Focus on the space behind your eyelids, known as chidikasha, and observe any colors, patterns, or light that may appear. Maintain detached awareness without engagement.


Journey to your favorite beach, engaging all your senses. Observe dolphins playing in the water and reflect on the playful abandon of your childhood. Experience a sense of freedom and joy, as if time itself has dissolved.


Return to your sankalpa and affirm it thrice. Gradually regain awareness of your surroundings, noticing the support of the floor beneath you. Practice gentle movements and stretches before slowly opening your eyes.

Additional Information

Discover more about swimming techniques and training in our Swimming 101 guide, featuring essential information for swimmers of all levels.

About the Author: Dr. Emily Carter

Dr. Emily Carter, a renowned yoga practitioner and researcher, holds multiple advanced certifications in yoga and meditation. Her expertise in the field has been recognized with numerous awards and accolades.

Dr. Carter is a respected author, having published extensively on yoga, mindfulness, and their impact on well-being. She regularly conducts workshops and retreats, sharing her knowledge and guiding participants towards a deeper understanding of the practice.

As a testament to her dedication, Dr. Carter maintains a daily yoga and meditation practice, fostering a profound connection with her inner self. Her passion for empowering others through yoga is evident in her teaching, inspiring individuals to embark on their own journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Credit and rights belong to OMG I Yoga © 2023
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