Handstands: From Flotation Tanks to Fitness

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Handstands: From Flotation Tanks to Fitness

In recent years, handstands have gained increasing popularity as a form of exercise and personal growth.

The Rise of Handstands

Handstands have become a ubiquitous part of various fitness disciplines, including yoga, CrossFit, circus, and breakdance.

Specialized studios and classes dedicated solely to handstands have emerged, catering to the growing demand for this practice.

Social media platforms such as Instagram have also played a significant role in promoting handstands, with millions of users sharing their attempts and successes.

Personal Journey and the Benefits of Handstands

In the winter of 2017, a woman named Amelia embarked on her own handstand journey, inspired by the vast and breathtaking sky of the Canadian Prairies.

Despite her initial fears and past disappointments in gymnastics, she discovered that adult handstands require a unique blend of physical strength and mental focus.

Amelia’s practice has led to improvements in her upper body strength, coordination, and overall mood.

She has also found that handstands serve as a personal barometer, reflecting her current state of mind and motivation.

Scientific Evidence and the Benefits of Inversions

Research supports the potential benefits of inversions, including handstands, on the body and mind.

  • Increased blood flow to the head, which may stimulate the brain and improve mood.
  • Decompression of the spine, promoting spinal health.
  • Activation of the parasympathetic nervous system, resulting in reduced stress and muscle tension.
  • Increased endorphin release, providing a sense of well-being.

Getting Started with Handstands

If you are interested in trying handstands, it is recommended to start gradually and with caution.

Consider seeking advice from a qualified healthcare professional before beginning any new exercise program.

You can practice handstands in various settings, including your home, the gym, or a park.

Prepare yourself for a few falls along the way, which are a natural part of the learning process.

Remember that handstands are not solely about physical strength but also require mental focus and a willingness to persevere.


Handstands have become a symbol of both physical and mental empowerment, attracting a growing number of practitioners.

Whether you are seeking to improve your fitness, reduce stress, or simply challenge yourself, handstands offer a rewarding and accessible path for personal growth.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as medical advice. It is essential to consult with a qualified healthcare professional before engaging in any new exercise program.

Copyright and rights belong to OMG I Yoga


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